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Contact: Visit journal's web site | Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine
JREIM was aimed to aid the dissemination of important researches and theoretical works in different areas of common interest to the educators, researchers, specialized and general therapists of Indian Medicine, which includes Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidhha, Homeopathy (AYUSH), CAM, Integrative Medicine, and other Traditional / Alternative / Oriental Systems of Medicine in general and Clinical research, researches on Medicinal Plants / Herbs, Spices and Pharmaceutical sciences in particular. The inaugural issue (Jan.-March 1982) of JREIM was released by Dr. Sombhong Kutranon, Regional Director, W.H.O. during International conference on “Role of Practitioners of Indian Medicines in Primary Health Care” at Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, 20-22 February’ 1982.*
JREIM maintained and is enjoying its non-aligned and independent academic status. For JREIM; the sole criterion for publishing is academic and scientific accuracy.
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JREIM Websites: http://www.jreim-ayushjournal.com and https://www.ejmanager.com/my/jreim
JREIM Head Office: Dr. Laxmi Bhargava, Ph.D.(BHU), Executive Editor
JREIM Publications: B 29/19 Lanka, PO: BHU, Varanasi-221005 UP (India)
Tel. (+91) 9305180763 e-mail: editor@jreim-ayushjournal.com
Regional Editorial Office: Dr. SP Pandey, Ph.D.(BHU), Regional Editor
Parshwanath Vidyapeeth (An External Research Centre of BHU)
ITI Road, Karaundi, PO: BHU, Varanasi -221005 Uttar Pradesh (India)
Tel (+91) 9936179817 e-mail: sppandey11256@gmail.com