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Veterinary World

Veterinary World publishes high quality papers focusing on Veterinary and Animal Science; The fields of study are bacteriology, parasitology, pathology, virology, immunology, mycology, public health, biotechnology, meat science, fish diseases, nutrition, gynecology, genetics, wildlife, laboratory animals, animal models of human infections, prion diseases and epidemiology. Studies on zoonotic and emerging infections are highly appreciated. Review articles are highly appreciated. 

Journal Ranking
SCOPUS [Rank: 34/194 (Q1)]
Citesscore - 3.6
SJR - 0.483
SNIP - 0.871

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#9 Veterinary Medicine

Impact factor: 1.7

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    For each accepted article: Category-1: USD 1200 for high income countries. Category-2: USD 1000 for middle or low income countries. Category will be determined as per World Bank category.