1 Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts
1.1 Each manuscript submitted should be accompanied by
a signed declaration statement obtained from the journal website. The statement
verifies that the final manuscript has been seen and approved by all authors
and transfers copyright ownership to the Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences
(Sokoto J. Vet. Sci).
1.2 Only original contributions written in clear
concise English, would be accepted. Manuscripts should be typed using
Microsoft® Word (97-2003 or 2007, formats), double-spaced with at least 2.5 cm
margins all around, in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, with left alignment.
1.3 Manuscripts are submitted step by step using the
online journal management system powered by ejManager. Only one of the authors
of an article can submit an article by registering as an author by following
the link http://my.ejmanager.com/sjvs/.
Names and affiliations of all authors should be removed before uploading
the main manuscript.In addition, insert page numbers and continuous line
numbering on the manuscript for easy referencing by reviewers to the author(s).
All data, including graphs and charts should be prepared in Microsoft® Excel
(97-2003 or 2007, formats) and included in the main manuscript but after the
references. Photographs and drawings should also be included after the main
manuscript but such should preferably be in high resolution (300 dpi/ppi minimum)
TIFF format. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission to
reproduce illustrations, Tables or any other previously published data, for
1.4 Papers are published on the explicit understanding
that they have neither been published nor are being considered for publication
2 Styles
2.1 Numerals and Units
2.1.1 Measurements of length, height, weight and
volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, litre, etc) or
their decimal multiples.
2.1.2 Temperature should be given in degrees Celsius.
2.1.3 All haematological and clinical chemistry
measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the
International System of Units (ISI).
2.1.4 In the descriptive text, numerals dhould be spelt
out if under 10 (except when they denote a unit of measurement). All numbers
should appear in Arabic numerals.
2.1.5 Use “first”, “second” and not “1st”, “2nd”, etc.
2.1.6 Dates should take the form of “DD-MM-YYYY.
2.1.7 If you choose to use the percentage sign, %, do
not mix it with “percent” and vice-versa.
2.1.8 Do not repeat numerals in words, eg 7 (seven).
2.2 Nomenclature
2.2.1 At their first mention, species names should be
in full and backed with authority, e.g., Glossina
tachinoides. Also, common names should be defined by the full Latin names
at the first mention: e.g., “. . . house fly (Musca domestica, L.).”
2.2.2 Generic names of drugs which have been accepted
by the International Organization of Standardization should be used wherever
possible. If necessary, trade names may be given in brackets: e.g., “. . .
diminazene aceturate (Berenil®, HOECHST, Munich) . . .”
2.3 Abbreviations
2.3.1 Use only standard abbreviations.
2.3.2 Avoid abbreviations in the title and in the
2.3.3 The full term for which an abbreviation stands
should precede its first use in the text, unless it is a standard unit of
2.3.4 Use Latin abbreviations only in parenthetical
material (e.g., cf, etc, viz, i.e.): In
non-parenthetical materials use the English translations of the Latin terms.
2.4 Footnotes
2.4.1 Foot notes should be used only, when necessary
(e.g. in Table and Figure), kept to a minimum and be presented at the foot of
the relevant pages.
2.4.2 Footnotes usually give details referring to one
or more isolated items (e.g., an abnormal feature of a single experiment;
details of a particular equipment or drug; and some peculiar/odd results in a
2.4.3 Footnotes should be numbered using Arabic
2.5 Tables
2.5.1 Use only the MS Word Table tool (no columns, tabs or spaces). Tables
should be numbered (using Arabic numerals, e.g., Table 1, Table 2, etc.) consecutively in the order of their first
citation in the text and should never be included in the text; each Table
should occupy a separate page of the manuscript.
2.5.2 Each Table should be supplied with a brief,
self-explanatory title; and should be so constructed that it could be read and
understood without reference to the text.
2.5.3 Each Table should occupy a separate page in the
manuscript; be simple, brief and clear; presenting only one general kind of
data or relationship.
2.5.4 Do not use vertical lines to separate columns in
a Table.
2.5.5 The text should include references to all Tables.
2.6 Figures
2.6.1 Figures (any type of graphic illustration other
than a Table) should be clear and simple to interpret
2.6.2 Figures should be numbered consecutively, in
Arabic numerals, according to the order in which they have been first cited in
the text.
2.6.3 Plates (photographs and drawings) should be
numbered consecutively (using Roman numerals, e.g., Plate IV, Plate XI, etc.) according to their sequence in the text.
2.6.4 Each Figure or plate should be on a separate
page and must have a concise, but comprehensive, caption typed below it.
2.6.5 Author(s) shall bear the cost of production of
coloured photographs, drawings or other illustrations.
2.7 Statistics
2.7.1 All statistical methods used should be described
with enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader with access to the original
data verify the reported results.
2.7.2 Where possible, findings should be quantified
and presented with appropriate indicators of measurement errors or uncertainty
(e.g., confidence intervals, mean ± SD).
2.7.3 References to study design and statistical
methods should be to standard works (with pages) rather than to papers in which
the designs or methods were originally reported.
2.7.4 All statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols
should be defined.
3 Formats for Research
Manuscripts for publication should be submitted in the
following format:
3.1 Title Page
Short titles of not more than 18 words are preferred
(excluding a maximum of 3 prepositions per title) and should include:
3.1.1 Title of the article
3.1.2 Telephone number and e-mail address of the
corresponding author
3.2 Abstract
An abstract not exceeding 300 words should precede the
introduction. References or unfamiliar abbreviations and symbols should not be
included in the abstract. Below the abstract, provided in alphabetical order a
list of 5 – 7 key words (for indexing purposes) should be.
3.3 Introduction
State here the purpose of the article and a summary of
the rationale for the study or observation. Give only strictly pertinent
references and do not review the subject extensively.
3.4 Materials and
Describe your selection of the observational or
experimental subjects clearly. Identify the materials and procedures, including
statistical methods, in sufficient details to allow other workers to reproduce
the results.
3.5 Results
Present your results in logical sequence.
3.6 Discussion
Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study
and the conclusions that follow from them. Discuss the implications of your
findings and their limitations, including implications for future research.
Relate your observations to other relevant studies and your conclusions to the
aims of the study. Make recommendations where appropriate.
3.7 Acknowledgements
Author(s) may wish to recognize the contributions of
others. Technical assistance should be acknowledged in a separate paragraph.
Authors are responsible for obtaining written permissions from persons
acknowledged by name.
3.8 References
3.8.1 Follow Uniform Requirements (www.icmje.org/index.html ). The list of references should include only those publications which
are cited in the text (by name and year). Ensure that the spelling of
author(s)’ names and dates are exactly the same in the text as in the reference
3.8.2 In the text, references should be made by giving
in brackets only the surname of the author and the year of publication; e.g.
(Daneji, 1990), except when the author’s name is part of the sentence, e.g.,
“Daneji (1990) showed that . . .” When a
paper written by two authors is quoted, both names are given, the ampersand
(&) being used in place of “and”, e.g., “It has been shown by Olorede &
Daneji (1990) that . . .” If there are more than two authors the name of the
first author should be given adding et al. and the year. E.g Chafe et
al. (2002) or Chafe et al., 2002).
3.8.3 When several references are cited together in
the text, they should be listed in chronological order e.g., “. . .
nitrofurfuryl methyl ether has been shown (Ajagbonna et al., 1999; Awasum
et al., 2008; Manuhda et al., 2017) to. . .”
3.8.4 All publications cited in the text should be
presented in a list of references (in alphabetical order and not numbered) at
the end of the text; 50 % of such references should have been published
recently (at least in the last 10 years from time of submission). Give: Surname(s) followed by initials of the
author(s). Year of publication in brackets. If several
publications by the same author(s) in one year are cited, then the letters a,
b, c, etc, are placed after the year of publication (e.g., 1990a, 1990b, etc.) Title of the paper Title of the journal must be written in full
and be in italics. The volume number (in bold font) in Arabic
numerals followed by the issue number (in parentheses and also in Arabic
numerals). The prefix “Vol.” should not be used. The numbers of the first and last pages, in
Arabic numerals, without the prefix “p.”
3.8.5 The list of references should be arranged
alphabetically on authors’ names and chronologically for each author. If an
author’s name in the list is also mentioned with co-authors the following order
should be used: Publications with a single author are arranged
according to publication dates, starting with earlier dates. Publications of the same author with
co-authors, Publications of the author with more than one
3.8.6 As much as possible the use of abstracts as
references should be avoided.
3.8.7 “Unpublished observations” and “Personal
communications” should not be used as references. 3.8.8 Papers accepted but not
yet published may be included among the references (designate the journal and
add “In Press” or doi number (if available). A thesis can be cited and listed
in the references, for example:
Egbewande OO (2012). Effects of Vitamin C, Baobab Pulp (Adansonia digitata), Amaranthus (Amaranthus hybridus) and Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus) on the Performance
of Broilers and Egg-type Pullets. PhD thesis, Department of Theriogenology and Animal Production,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Pp 1-120.
3.8.9 Information from manuscripts submitted but not
yet accepted should be cited in the text as “Unpublished observations” (in
3.8.10 The following is an example of a journal
Lawan MK, Bello M, Kwaga JKP & Raji MA (2013). Evaluation of
physical facilities and processing operations of major abattoirs in North
western states of Nigeria. Sokoto Journal
of Veterinary Sciences, 11(1):
3.8.11 When reference is made to a book (and other
monographs) the title should be italicized; the edition, volume (vol.), name of
publishers and place of publication should be given, followed by the page(s)
(Pp). For example:
Jamieson GG (1998).
The Anatomy of General Surgical Operations, first edition. Churchill Livingstone,
London. Pp 235.
Hansen J & Perry B (1994). The Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Control of
Helminth Parasites of Ruminants. A Handbook of the Food and Agricultural
Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. Pp 72-89.
DeYoung DJ &
Probst CW (1985). Methods of fracture fixation. In: Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. Vol. II. (DH Slatter, editor). WB
Saunders Co., Philadelphia. Pp 1949-2014.
3.8.12 Reference is made to articles on the internet
by quoting the full URL and date of access. For example:
Enjalbert F
(2006). Assessment of nutritional
adequacy in dairy cows through diet characteristics and animal responses.
World Buiatrics Congress, 2006 - Nice, France. www.ivis.org/proceedings/wbc/wbc2006/enjalbert.pdf?LA=1, retrieved 15-11-2014.
3.8.13 When referencing articles in published
proceedings, the name of the proceeding should be italice.
For example:
Okaiyeto SO,
Abubakar UB, Allam L, Akam EN & Sackey AKB (2008). Retrospective studies of
bovine fasciolaisis in Fulani ambulatory clinic. In: Proceedings of the
forty-fifth Annual Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (JO Hambolu, I AjogiI, PI Rekwot, LB Tekdek, BD
Remi-Adewunmi, AZ Hassan, CA Awasum, SB Oladele, MY Fatihu, SF Ambali, MU Kawu,
OO Okubanjo, HM Kazeem, EC Okolocha, L Saidu, M Bello, editors) Owerri, Imo
state, Nigeria. Pp 117-119.
4 Review Article
The Journal publishes not more than one review article
per issue. To qualify to write a review, the author should be an expert with
publications on the subject under discussion as would be evident in the
references in the review manuscript.
5 Short Communications
and Case Reports
Short Communication should be a concise but complete
description of a limited aspect of an investigation. The manuscript should be
presented like a research article but results and discussion should be
combined. In addition, the whole manuscript should not exceed 2000 words or 4
typeset pages.
Case Report should be prepared as an abstract,
introduction, case management [case history; clinical manifestation;
investigations (i.e laboratory results) and management], discussion: with
number of references not exceeding ten.
6 Processing Fee
A processing fee of five thousand naira (N7,500) is to be paid along with each
manuscript submitted by Nigerian authors. This fee is to be paid before a
manuscript is submitted to reviewers.
7 Page Charge
For accepted articles, a fee of four thousand Naira (N4,000) is charged per printed page while
two thousand naira (N2,000) is charged
per plate. Foreign authors are charged $50 for short communication, $75 for
case reports and $100 for research articles.
8 Subscription Rates
The subscription rate, per issue, is two thousand
naira (N2,000) or $10 excluding
freight. Freight will be charged based on destination.
9 Advertisement Rates
Half inside page: N10,000
or $40
Full inside page: N20,000
or $700
Inner back page: N30,000
or $100
Back page: N50,000
or $167
Payments can be made in favour of Sokoto Journal of
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is 044223021. Payments in dollars can be made to our domiciliary account
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money transfer.
10 Correspondence
All correspondences to the journal should be addressed
The Editor-in-Chief,
Sokoto Journal of
Veterinary Sciences,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Usmanu Danfodiyo University,
PMB 2346, Sokoto, Nigeria.