Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops GUIDE FOR AUTHORSScope The Journal of Spices and
Aromatic Crops (JOSAC) is an open-access journal, which publishes critical
reviews, original research articles and research notes on all aspects of spices
and aromatic crops. Unsolicited book reviews are not generally published.
Experiments conducted with banned pesticides will not be considered. JOSAC
accepts manuscripts through the online submission portal only (
Manuscripts received by email will not be considered for processing. Authors need not be a
member of the Indian Society for Spices (ISS) for publishing their articles in
JOSAC. However, authors are encouraged to become members
and actively involve in various activities of the society. For details
regarding the society and membership please visit, Manuscript preparation Articles published or
submitted elsewhere will not be accepted. Authors must ensure that their work
is original and the work of others is cited properly. More details about the
plagiarism policy of the journal can be found at
Manuscripts should be written in standard English (adopting either British or
American spelling), typed in Times New Roman 12 point, double spaced with page
and line numbering consecutively. Authors are advised to
consult, Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and
Publishers, 8th Edition, 2014, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, for
general guidelines regarding preparation of manuscripts. Authors are advised to
follow the guidelines strictly, while submitting the manuscript to avoid delay
in processing and publishing. Articles not adhering to author guidelines will
be rejected without refereeing. All articles submitted to
JOSAC will be subjected to peer reviewing and will be sent back to the authors
along with the referees’ comments for revision. Review articles should not
exceed 25 pages of printed text including tables, figures and references.
Research articles and notes should not exceed 10 and 5 pages of printed text,
respectively, including tables, figures and references (1 page of printed text
= approximately 500 words). In the case of research note, only three tables or
figures or their combination is allowed. Organization of
manuscript The manuscript should be
organized in the following format: A short running
title (including the authors surnames). The main title should
be brief and informative (avoid vague and generalized title). The complete
scientific name (genus and species) should be used for organisms mentioned in
the title. Name(s) of author(s) (indicate
corresponding author with superscript numerals along with e-mail address). Address(es) should
be complete with postal code and country. Abstract should
be brief (not exceeding 150 words) indicating the scope, key results and
conclusions of the study. Abbreviations should be avoided in the abstract.
Names of organisms must be written in full (genus and species) at first
mention. Keywords (a
maximum of six) suitable for indexing should be given in alphabetical order. Introduction should
be brief and define the scope of the work without an exhaustive review of
literature. Materials and methods should
provide adequate information on the location, year, materials used and the
techniques followed in the study. Results and discussion should
be combined and should not be a routine statement of information presented in
the tables/figures. The significance of the results in relation to other
relevant published work should be highlighted in the discussion. Literature citations in
the text should indicate the authors name and year of publication. Examples:
Jones (1999); Rani & Grover (1999) or (Jones, 1999); Rani & Grover,
1999). When there are more than two authors, the first author should be named
followed by et al. Example: Prakash et al. (1999)
or Prakash et al., 1999. More than one citation in the text should
be arranged in chronological order (Example: Saji et al., 2001;
Josephrajkumar et al., 2002; Thankamani et al., 2008).
Avoid citing personal communications and unpublished data unless it provides
essential information related to the paper. Personal communications and
unpublished data should be cited only in the text (Example: Ananthakrishnan T
N, personal communication). Abbreviations must be
defined in full at first mention (with the abbreviation in parenthesis), in
title, abstract, and within the text. Always use ha-1, mL?1, L-1, etc., instead
of per ha, per mL or per L, throughout the manuscript. Acknowledgments should
be brief. References should
be listed alphabetically. References should include
name(s) of author(s), followed by initials, year of publication, title of
article, name of the journal (using standard abbreviations), volume and page
numbers. Abbreviation of journal titles should be according to the ISSN List of
Title Word Abbreviations. For details, visit:
Books must include name of the publisher, location and page numbers. Journal Yao C, Moreshet S, Aloni
B & Karni L 2000 Effects of climatic factors and water stress on the
diurnal fluctuation in diameter of bell pepper fruit. J. Hortic. Sci.
Biotechnol. 75: 6–11. Book Ravindran PN, Nirmal Babu
K, Sivaraman K2007 Turmeric, the Genus Curcuma, CRC Press,
Taylor & Francis, 484p. Chapter in a book Kirk W D J 1997
Distribution, abundance and population dynamics. In: Lewis T (Ed.) Thrips as
Crop Pests (pp. 217–257). CAB International, Wallingford. Paper presented in
symposium or seminar Bhatt S S &
Sudharshan M R 2000 Effect of pollen loads on growth and development of vanilla
(Vanilla planifolia Andr.) fruits. In: Ramana K V, Eapen S J, Babu
K N, Krishnamurthy K S & Kumar A (Eds.) Spices and Aromatic Plants,
Challenges and Opportunities in the New Century. Contributory Papers,
Centennial Conference on Spices and Aromatic Plants, 20–23 September 2000,
Kozhikode (pp.13–16). Indian Society for Spices, Kozhikode. Dissertation Senthil Kumar C M 2000
Economic production of NPV of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius).
MSc (Agri.) Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. Online resource FAO 2020
Accessed 2 June 2020. Tables Each table should be
typed on a separate page. Tables should be numbered serially (in the order in
which they appear in the text) with Arabic numerals, followed by the title,
which should be self-explanatory. Vertical rules should not be marked within
the table. Figures Figures (photographs,
graphs and diagrams) should be numbered serially (in the order in which they
appear in the text) with Arabic numerals followed by the title (legend).
Legends for figures should be typed on a separate sheet. Bar scales should be
directly drawn on the figures to indicate magnification. Photographs should be
submitted as black and white/colour high contrast high resolution
electronically. Accepted formats of figures include: TIFF or JPEG with a
minimum of 300 dpi resolution. The journal undertakes printing of colour
photographs, in case the authors are willing to pay the cost of the same. The
rates of printing of colour photographs would be informed at the time of
acceptance of the manuscript and the authors should pay the cost of the same in
advance. When multi-part figures (including photographs) are submitted, each
part should be clearly identified in the legend with lower case letters. Proofs The final proof will be
sent to the corresponding author for correction which should be returned within
48 hours. The corrections should be limited to errors in typesetting. Reprints No reprints or copies of
the journal will be supplied. However, a PDF version of the article would be
sent to the corresponding author. Publication charges There are no publication
charges for publishing in JOSAC Print copies Print copies of the journal
will be supplied to members upon request at no extra cost.