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JABET Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics LoginRegister
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Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics

JABET is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal publishing original research findings and reviews on all aspects of biotechnology and experimental therapeutics. It provides a platform for Scientists and Academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in translational research and recent discoveries in the Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences.

 Short name: J Adv Biotechnol Exp Ther
 Electronic ISSN: 2616-4760
 Year of starting: September 2017
 The frequency of publication: 3 times a year (January, May, and September) in the English language. We also offer special issues on emerging topics. Notably, accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted).
 License type: CC-BY-4.0 [Open Access] that permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium for free, provided the original work is properly cited.
 DOI: available for each article
 Country of publication: South Korea
 Publisher:  Bangladesh Society for Microbiology, Immunology, and Advanced Biotechnology

 Publication scope:  JABET is devoted to publishing the latest developments in translational research and the recent discoveries in the field of Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences. Submission is encouraged of papers that involve genetic, molecular, and cellular studies of human, animal, environmental, and medicinal plant subjects. Papers should provide rigorous quantitative analyses and/or new insights into biochemical mechanisms.

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369 USD only as article processing charge (APC)

Journal contact details

Editorial Office
Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Experimental Therapeutics
a) 4-7, Nogosan-dong, Mapogu
Seoul, South Korea.
b) 77 Azampur, [Imam Bukhari (RA) Lane], Muktijoddha Saroni Road,
Dakshinkhan, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh.
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