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AAUJBL AAU JOURNAL of Business and Law LoginRegister
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AAU JOURNAL of Business and Law

Al Ain University(AAU) Journal of Business and Law is an official refereed publication of AAU. It publishes peer-reviewed research articles in the fields of Business and Law on the basis of scientific originality and interdisciplinary interest. The editorial board and associated editors, composed of prominent scientists from around the world, are representatives of the disciplines covered by the journal.


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  1. All submitted articles shall be submitted through the system.
  2. The article should show the depth of research, originality and contribution.
  3. Submitted articles should not have been previously published nor currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  4. The articles in Arabic should include the title and the abstract in Arabic and English in one page. The number of words should not exceed 300 words per abstract. The names of the researchers should be written in Arabic and English, as well as their current titles, scientific grades and e-mail.
  5. Keywords should not exceed (5) words.
  6. The main headings and sub-headings of the article should be used to divide the different parts of the research according to their importance, in logical sequence, and should include the main titles: title, abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology/approach, results, conclusions/discussion, future work/recommendations and references.
  7. Submitted articles should not exceed 30 pages in length of A4 format.
  8. Use single space, Times New Roman 12 including references and appendices.
  9. Tables should be included in the main body of the article. The position of each table should be clearly labeled in the body of the text of the article. The table should be numbered sequentially at the top of the table.
  10. Figures, graphs and illustrations should be included in black and white in the text, numbered sequentially with the label at the bottom.
  11. References must be written according to the APA system.
  12. When articles are accepted for publication, the article’s rights are transferred to Al Ain University of Science and Technology.
  13. Once the article has been accepted, AAU Journal of Business and Law shall not withdraw the article from publication.
  14. The Editorial Board of AAUJBL has the right to make any modifications in terms of type of character, writing, and syntax in accordance with the model adopted by AAUJBL.
  15. The final decision as to accept or reject an article comes back to the Editorial Board of AAUJBL. The Editorial Board retains its right not to give reasons for the decision.
  16. AAUJBL shall provide the author with one free printed copy of the issue once published.
  17. The Editorial Board of AAUJBL is not responsible for the views expressed in the article. The articles views are sole opinions expressed by the author.